Last week I found a copy of the SSISDB database, that was lacking an index.
I know that I created the same index some time in 2017.
IMHO, Microsoft ought to create it themselves.
But if you want your SSIS tasks to run a bit faster, you can add it too.
Here it is:

USE SSISDBCREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_Executable_guid_Project_version_lsn_Package_name_Project_idON internal.executables(Executable_guid,Project_version_lsn,Package_name,Project_id)INCLUDE(executable_id,executable_name,package_path)WITH (DATA_COMPRESSION=PAGE) ON [PRIMARY]

As Joakim Dalby wrote on Linked-In; There are also other ways to make your SSIS packages run faster, if you do not need all the log data. Yes, sure. But it is quick, easy and safe to install this index.
